The inflight content you want, without the hassle

A seamless digital media workflow to select, manage and analyze inflight content
simulate your subscription
simulate your subscription

Seamless workflow

Passenger Experience
Media Selection
Automated Licensing
& Metadata
Media Encoding
& Watermarking
IFE System Delivery
Consumption Analytics
Branded Passenger Experience Strategy
Media Selection
Automated Licensing & Metadata
Media Encoding
and Watermarking
IFE System Delivery
Consumption Analytics
Media CenterABOVEAnalytics
Touch Media Center

A unique web-based platform that automates and transforms yours and our way-of-work, by integrating existing digital products such as Touch Analytics, IFE Microsites and ABOVE, our Cloud Based Lab.

Touch Media Center
User experience

Curate and select your media, with the support of embedded analytics, in an online and friendly interface.

Touch Media Center
Automated workflows

Contract management tools for automated media licensing and technical orders .

Touch Media Center
Approved metadata

Accurate and official metadata, in more than 30 languages, ready for your IFEC platform.


One-stop-shop and cloud-based media distribution platform. Media catalogue management, storage, screening, editing, localization, metadata, transcoding, and watermarking.

Fast media processing

Automated media processing, from ingestion, editing and encoding, to delivery, for an ever-growing catalogue.

Integrated systems

Frictionless and secure media distribution for any IFEC platform, powered by castLabs VTK for fully customizable encoding profile.


One-stop-shop platform, entirely cloud-based and highly scalable, with little requirement for human interaction.

Touch Analytics

An essential tool to make smart decisions for your IFE content. Decide which content to remove, relicense or update, according to performance, customer insights and trends analysis.

Touch Analytics
Powerful visuals & Insights

Online and customizable dashboards to evaluate media consumption performance and optimize ROI.

Touch Analytics
Data sources integration

Data from virtually any source, including IFEC platforms, CRM systems and predictive data from multiple partners.

Touch Analytics
Data cleaning

Compliance with metadata best practices and standards, cleaning and harmonizing data.

Your content journey starts here

Subscription based media content for inflights

IFE Approved
simulate your subscription
simulate your subscription